This article will provide the reader with a step-by-step guide on how to replace an Ethereum Wallet in a Gala Games and Entertainment account.
Assumptions Made
This article assumes the reader understands the information in the following articles:
Sign Up for a Gala Games and Entertainment Account
Navigating The Gala Games Website
1) In the settings page, navigate to Linked Accounts. In the Linked Accounts section, click Connect Wallet.
2) This will bring up the connect your wallet prompt. This prompt will allow a user to download their current wallet's Private Key and import it into another wallet. Currently there are two options a user can choose from, this example will connect with Coinbase Wallet.
Note: For the first time a user connects an external Web 3 wallet, it must be the same wallet matching the one they currently have in their inventory.
3) A prompt like the one below will appear after connecting a wallet. Click Connect.
4) Click Sign.
5) The wallet is now successfully connected via Coinbase Wallet! Click Continue.
You can now be able to disconnect your current wallet and connect a different wallet!