This article explains Web3 and its many benefits.
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What is the Gala Games and Entertainment Ecosystem
Web3 - Never Fear, the Future is Here
There are tons of misconceptions about web3 out there, so let’s discuss not only why web3 is nothing to fear but how it is a beacon of empowerment and the next phase of the internet. With this third generation of the web and the blockchains that power it, users are taking back control of their data, possessions, security, and more. Trust us. This is a good thing.
What is Web3?
Web3 is the blanket name for what has evolved from the existence of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Each of these has its own blockchain infrastructure. Gala Games also has a complete blockchain infrastructure called GalaChain, which improves on many of the features of other blockchains that were created earlier in the days of web3.
At its basic level, a web3 setup allows secure user ownership and the tradebility of digital items. GalaChain does.
With the speed at which things evolve in the web3 world, newer developments play a crucial role in locating the applications of this world-changing tech that will truly transform our industries and lives. Gala Games has pioneered in this space by creating a robust blockchain platform capable of all the ownership and transactions that cutting-edge gaming demands today.
Why are Gamers skeptical about Web3?
Gamers tend to be smart and discerning, with a healthy skepticism for anything new. They’ve been led astray before, and in the end, that’s the problem Gala Games is solving with web3 gaming.
The big devs and publishers got bigger so quickly that players barely noticed their gaming freedoms being stripped away. Hard-earned collections of in-game goods would vanish instantly for things like petty terms violations, attempts to trade, or even a simple update to a new version of an old game. This was unacceptable to us, so we set out to create a web3 game platform that allows players to own, trade, earn rewards, and all the other cool stuff our blockchain allows.
When you think about what the corporations of web2 stand to lose when the world fully migrates to web3, it’s easy to see why they have sown seeds of skepticism among their massive hordes of pay-to-play customers.
What Do You Need to Know as a Player?
This is the beautiful part. We’ve gone through the growing pains and early days for you, so now the functionality of web3 is hidden neatly behind a curtain of convenience and ease of access.
Running a web3 account is only slightly more complex than a traditional web2 platform account, and for good reason. Essentially, managing a web3 account is more similar to managing a credit card or bank account than a social media account simply because it deals with items that are instantly tradable for money.
Web3 essentially represents an internet future that doesn’t require that you put your trust in corruptible corporations or governments. Smart contracts and user-controlled wallets can ultimately eliminate the need for that trust, allowing us all to experience more freedom and control over our digital belongings.