This article will help users understand how to navigate OpenSea to find specific Dragon Strike NFTs. Doing so will allow you to learn about a hero's level and attributes before making a purchase.
Assumptions Made
Getting Started in Dragon Strike
Using a Gala Wallet on OpenSea
This article assumes users understand the information in the following articles and have Dragon Strike installed on their device:
When navigating OpenSea, players will see heroes they can purchase that are on the Ethereum blockchain. These heroes have been turned into NFTs and were bridged from GalaChain to Ethereum.
Each hero listing will have the following traits in its listing:
- A Number at the end of its name
- A description of the hero's primary power, such as being able to heal, deal damage, etc.
- A level section displaying its rank and levels
- Whether the hero is blessed hero or not
Each listing will have a single owner that holds the hero as well as a single listing.