Seeing an account's my balance page allows a user to see how much of the various tokens and coins they have in their wallet.
Assumptions Made
This article assumes the reader understands the information in the following article:
Sign Up for a Gala Games and Entertainment Account
Users involved in the Gala Music ecosystem can see their wallet's balance in the My Balances section of their wallet and their Distribution in Gala Music.
In the My Balances section, users can see both what they have earned for the day as well as various of other token balances such as:
Beams [GalaChain] - Users can learn more by reading this article: Gala Music - What are BEAMS?
$GALA [Ethereum Blockchain] - Users can learn more by reading this article: What is $GALA
$GALA [GalaChain Allowance] - $GALA that is in a person's GalaChain Allowance (Treasure Chest or Vault).
$GALA [GalaChain] - $GALA that exists on the GalaChain Blockchain.
Ethereum [Ethereum Blockchain] - Ethereum on the Ethereum blockchain. Users need this for doing transactions in the Ethereum Blockchain to pay for Gas. Please read this article to learn more: What is "Gas" and How Does it Work?