This article is a guide for updating the Gala Node software on Ubuntu Linux (20.04).
Assumptions Made
This article assumes the reader has Gala Node Software running and understands the information in the following articles:
Sign Up for a Gala Games and Entertainment Account
Create a VPS To Run The Gala Node Software
Gala Node Requirements
What is a Distribution?
Install the Gala Node Software on Ubuntu Linux
Please be sure to check your node version using either your node dashboard or locally on the machine to confirm its version number.
Update: The Gala Node Software on Gala Node version 3.1.10 and above
Run the command:
sudo gala-node update
It will update the Gala Node software to the latest version. Type Y and press Enter to proceed with the update.
Once the software successfully updates, "Gala Node created!" or a similar message will appear.
The new version will automatically run the configured workloads. Check the Gala Node Dashboard to ensure it is running correctly. Please note that it could take up to 10 minutes before the dashboard updates.
Note: Try the backup method below if this command makes errors or fails.
Updating The Gala Node Software on Gala Node version 3.1.4 and below
1)Enter this command, which will stop the node software and delete the node software instance in Docker.
sudo gala-node stop && sudo gala-node remove
2)Enter this command to download the latest node build.
sudo wget --trust-server-names https://links.gala.com/DownloadLinuxNode
It downloads a file name called gala-node-vX.X.X.tar.gz.
3) After downloading, run the command below to extract the Gala Node software. Ensure to update the [version number] based on what version it downloads. Please see the screenshot highlighted below to find the software's version number.
sudo tar xzvf gala-node-v3[version number].tar.gz
4) This command will install the node software and run it with existing workloads.
sudo ./gala-node/install.sh && sudo gala-node start