This article is a step-by-step guide to installing a Gala Node on Ubuntu Linux (20.04). Running the Gala Node Software on a stable Operating System can help ensure consistent uptime. While there are both Windows and Mac options, Linux can run the Gala Node software in a more stable and less resource-intensive environment. This guide provides instructions on installing the Gala Node software on Linux as long as an account has a valid node license.
This is a more advanced tutorial than running the Gala Node software on Windows or macOS. This is only recommended to people who are already familiar with Linux. If there are any issues running the script, seen below in the step-by-step guide, please check in the node-talk channel in Discord at www.galagames.chat.
Assumptions Made
Sign Up for a Gala Games and Entertainment Account
Create a VPS To Run The Gala Node Software
Gala Node Software Requirements
Installing The Gala Node Software
1) Open the Terminal for the Ubuntu installation and enter:
sudo NEEDRESTARTMODE=a apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
This will ensure that the computer has the latest package list for installing programs.
2) Enter the command below:
sudo apt install docker.io -y
This command will install a program called docker. Docker is important for running workloads in the Gala Node software.
3) After running the installation, enter this command to see docker’s status.
sudo systemctl status docker
Press q or CTRL + C and Enter to exit the Docker Status Menu.
If docker is not in active status, use this command to start it.
sudo systemctl enable --now docker
4) Enter this command below to download the Gala Node software for Linux.
sudo wget --trust-server-names https://links.gala.com/DownloadLinuxNode
It downloads a file name called gala-node-vX.X.X.tar.gz.
5) After downloading, run the command below to extract the Gala Node software. Ensure to update the [version number] based on what version they download. Please see the screenshot highlighted below to find the software's version number.
sudo tar xzvf gala-node-v3[version number].tar.gz
6) This next command runs the installation script for the Gala Node software.
sudo gala-node/install.sh
Read the End User License Agreement, Type Y, and press Enter to accept and proceed with the installation.
7) After successfully installing the Gala Node software, an API key is needed to access a user’s Gala Games and Entertainment account and pull up the available workloads. Please read the Gala Node Dashboard article for creating an API key. This API key will be used in the following command:
sudo gala-node config api-key <Your API key Here>
• Example: sudo gala-node config api-key qmlQZxDDQWERTYhwwrpfUWv8n2wE+XoGADnUWpDIVoI=
8) After entering the account’s API key, run this command to see the currently available workloads available.
sudo gala-node licenses
Available workloads:
9) You can use this command to select the desired workloads to run.
sudo gala-node workload add <Desired Workload to Run>
If you have multiple workloads, you will need to enter the command for each type of workload individually.
10) Once the configuration is complete, run this command to start the Gala Node software.
sudo gala-node start
11) Now that the Gala Node software installation is complete, run this command to ensure the software is running properly.
sudo gala-node status
Note: It may take up to 10 minutes for this node’s status to reflect on a user’s Gala Node Dashboard.
Run the command below to name your node so you can identify your node on the dashboard.
sudo gala-node rename
Visit Linux Gala Node Software Commands to learn more about the available commands to manage the Gala Node software.