When using MetaMask, you may encounter an issue where your token balances are displayed inaccurately. This article aims to show how to fix this problem.
Assumptions Made
This article assumes you understand the information in the following articles:
Note: You assume all risk and responsibility for the use of this third-party platform and any other similar platform.
The process below shows how to remove and reimport a token into MetaMask. Please follow the steps outlined below.
1) Open MetaMask wallet and click on the token with an incorrectly displayed balance. In this example, GALA is shown inaccurately.
2) Remove GALA by clicking on the three dots at the top and selecting Hide GALA.
3) Click Hide.
4) Click import tokens.
5) Click the Custom Token tab and fill in the Token Contract Address. MetaMask will automatically update Token Symbol and Token Decimal. Click Next.
6) Click Import.
7) GALA has been completely reimported, and the token balance is now accurate.