The absolute number one priority of the Town Star team is to make sure that all of the players are having fun and ensuring an even playing field. Allowing skilled players to experiment and discover new strategies and reap the rewards for their creative thinking and hard work, all while ensuring that strategy leads to the highest rank and not exploits. These rules provide a fair game for everyone within the Gala Games and Entertainment ecosystem.
Assumptions Made
This article assumes the reader understands the information in the following articles:
What Are the Requirements for Running Town Star
Note: All of the rules below are subject to change at any point.
1) Operating Multiple Towns
Players can only operate one town per competition or event. Any indication of more than one town per person may result in removal from rewards or a permanent ban.
2) Playing With Friends and Family in the Same Household
Players can play with friends and family in the same household so long as they have unique accounts and computers.
3) Utilization of Scripts
There are no console codes or browser scripts that are supported by Town Star, any use of console codes or browser scripts is done at the user's own risk. Console/ browser manipulation that alters the game's UI/UX, adjusts rendering, completes any action within the game, etc. has a high likelihood of interference with the Ledger of Truth and/or Watchdog and may result in removal from rewards. Common Ground World records and logs every action; if a player is found to be using scripts to exploit the game, they are subject to a permanent ban. Violations include but are not limited to:
3.a) Using a console code or browser script to change game mechanics or alter in-game assets in any way, including but not limited to building rotation, storage capacity, speed, requirements, etc.
3.b) Controlling crafts automatically via any console codes or browser scripts.
4) Using NFTs
If an NFT is transferred out of your Gala Games wallet and is still placed within a town, the town will be subject to termination and may lead to a permanent account ban.
5) Town Name
Common Sense is applied when creating town names—using profanity, sexual, or offensive terms as a town name. (This does include inappropriate terms in other languages). Violation of this rule will lead to the termination of your town.
6) Town Image
Any inappropriate images, invisible pictures, or images used to trick other players may be subject to termination of the town or removal from rewards at the Town Star team's digression.
For more information about the general rules for our games, please see the Terms and Conditions page.