This article shows you how to import your secret word phrase or recovery phrase into MetaMask on iOS and Android devices.
Assumptions Made
The article assumes you have already created an Apple ID for iOS or Google Play Account for Android, have a Gala Games and Entertainment account with a Web 3 Wallet connected, installed MetaMask on your device, and understand the information in the following articles:
1) Open MetaMask and select Get Started.
2) Select Import using Secret Recovery Phrase.
3) Choose whether or not you want to share your usage data to improve MetaMask then choose the appropriate answer.
4) Review MetaMask's Terms of Service and then select Accept.
5) The next step will have you import your Secret Recovery Phrase. This phrase is needed to import your wallet into MetaMask. Your seedphrase may look similar to what is shown below.
Once you enter it, you must a strong, memorable password to protect your funds. You can read more about securing your account by reading the Keeping a Gala Games and Entertainment Account Secure article.
Once this is complete, select Import.
6) Choose whether you want to check automatically for security updates then select the desired option.
7) The wallet import process is complete!