This article shows how to interact with a Gala Games and Entertainment website on iOS and Android using a Web 3 mobile wallet such as MetaMask.
Assumptions Made
The article assumes you have already created a Gala Games and Entertainment account, set up a Web 3 wallet such as MetaMask on your iOS or Android device, and understand the information in the following articles:
Sign Up for a Gala Games and Entertainment Account
Import a Wallet into MetaMask on iOS and Android
This tutorial will use MetaMask as its Web 3 Wallet on iOS, but the same steps also apply to using an Android device. Currently, you have to use the browser within MetaMask to use your MetaMask wallet on your mobile device. This is due to most mobile browsers not supporting third-party extensions for wallets such as MetaMask. If you try to connect your MetaMask in Safari, you will see this warning below:
2) It will open up the MetaMask web browser. Type in a Gala Games and Entertainment website of your choice. This example will use games.gala.com.
3) This will bring you to the Browser section of MetaMask. Log into your account to continue the process.
4) Once logged into your account, press the icon in the top right and select Settings in the menu.
5) Select Linked Accounts.
6) In this section, click Connect under the Wallet section.
7) It will bring up the connect wallet section, this tutorial will select Connect MetaMask.
8) Select the account in MetaMask to connect to the Gala website and press Connect.
9) In the Sign Message prompt, select Sign.
10) The wallet connection is now complete! You can double-check this by looking into your account's Linked Account section.