This article presents the available commands to manage the Gala Node software on Ubuntu Linux 20.04. It serves as a reference for the Gala Node Software Linux commands. It allows users to effectively manage the software to ensure their node is running properly.
Assumptions Made
This article assumes the user has a valid Node license and understands the information in the following articles:
Gala Node Software Requirements
Install the Gala Node Software on Ubuntu Linux
These Linux commands can be used to configure various aspects of the Gala Node Software. This is a list of useful commands with descriptions of their functions.
gala-node start
Runs the Gala Node software
gala-node update
Updates the Gala Node software version
gala-node stop
Stop the Gala Node software
gala-node remove
Remove the node from docker
gala-node config api-key
Configure the node's api-key.
gala-node licenses
Lists all of your node license
gala-node rename
Sets a name for the Node
gala-node status
Checks the status of the Gala Node software, shows its Node ID, and workload status and version.
gala-node welcome
Shows the instructions on how to setup your Gala Node
gala-node workload
Configure a workload such as add, remove, clear, list, get, and logs
gala-node workload add
gala-node workload remove
gala-node workload clear
gala-node workload list
gala-node workload get
gala-node workload logs
The add and remove command only allows one workload at a time.
gala-node version
Displays node version
Useful Docker Commands
sudo systemctl status docker
Check Docker software status
sudo systemctl restart docker
Restart Docker software